New feature added to Ingress called Dronenet

On june 6 a new feature got added to Ingress called Dronenet.

You can fly your drone to portals, once placed on a portal you can’t move it again until the 60 minute countdown has finished. You can hack the portal your drone is on once and you can only hack a portal again once you have moved the drone to another portal. If the portal where your drone is placed on changes alignment (destroyed, captured or flipped) it will be called back to your agent.

There are some new statistics that got added for the drone: Unique Portals Drone Visited, Furthest Drone Flight Distance and Drone Hacks.

When hacking with the drone the hack will count towards your sojourner badge. But won’t give you keys nor can you use it for finishing missions or hacking a portal for an event.

After having flown 10 Km and having 60 unique drone hacks, I like it a bit. The Drone makes it so i can still do some things while being at home. But I feel like there could be some changes.

I miss the fact you can’t recharge the portal your drone is on. If that would be added I could see the use of the drone a lot more.
The furthest Drone Flight Distance statistic is also not very accurate. When I am at a portal at for example 9.4 Km my the stat still has 8 as the furthest. So it would be nice if Niantic could fix that.

Let me know in the comments down below what you think of Dronenet and what you would like to see changed. I would like to know.

How to deploy the Drone:

Artwork of the drone that cot added to Ingress.
This is the drone you fly around the world. Or at least some nice art of it.

Covid-19 and Ingress

I am sure you already knew this but because of Covid-19, Ingress and Pokémon go have special things that happen. For what is happening in Pokémon go you have to go somewhere else, I will only discuss Ingress. The thing below are the “benefits” we get.

  • For the Sojourner medal, a Portal recharge counts as a Portal hack. Going forward, Agents can hack or recharge a Portal in consecutive 24-hour periods for daily credit towards the Sojourner medal.
  • High-level Agents can deploy two Level 7 and two Level 8 Resonators per Portal.
  • Portal cool down reduced to 90 seconds.
  • Portal hacks before burnout increased to 16 hacks.


It’s nice that for that we can hack more, although my inventory is entirely filled so I don’t really find it really that useful. The fact that we can place 2 L8 an 2 L7 resonators I very useful because my home portal is now L7 because of it. Like the 16 hacks is the reduced cool down nice but I don’t need it.

Let me know you thoughts in the comments.